Express News Service
First Published : 11 Oct 2010 05:05:57 AM IST
Last Updated : 12 Oct 2010 10:56:01 AM IST
Telangana ideologue Prof Kodandaram says the Telangana movement is not a mere separatist agitation. It's a part of a nationwidw response to the ills of crony capitalism.
K Chandrasekhar Rao has declared that the TRS agenda is the naxalite agenda. How do you view this?
There is an historic background to this. When the Telangana movement failed in 1969, frustrated youth went over to the naxalite movement. Till then, the naxalite movement had not been so strong. Later, when the TDP arose, those having Leftist leanings found political space in that party. That’s why there is a perception that politics in Telangana witnessed a change during the TDP regime. Similarly, when the TRS was formed in 2001 at a time of suppression of the naxalite movement, these people found political space in the TRS. The naxalite movement has a political agenda: to redistribute land and end the political dominance of certain classes. That was why the TRS promised that it will make an SC the chief minister in separate Telangana. Also, the slogan of Harita Telangana was adopted to redistribute lands to the poor. Whoever says that the naxalite agenda is their agenda is essentially saying that they will protect small farmers and suppressed groups. If that agenda is implemented in true spirit, there will be no scope for a naxalite movement. Economic and social indices will improve in smaller states, which will itself address the naxalite problem.
You talk about social change. But there is a criticism that the current Telangana movement is led mostly by upper castes with little participation by BCs and SCs.
That is not a fact. If you look at the movement closely, you’ll see that an alternative leadership has emerged at different levels. Even upper caste leaders recognize that it is a social necessity to sail together with the suppressed classes. A new leadership indeed emerged. It’s a mistake to feel that it is limited to K Chandrasekhar Rao.
You say economic indicators will address the naxalite problem. But then, though Chattisgarh and Jharkhand have improved economically, the naxalite influence has grown considerably in those states.
The historic backgrounds of Chattisgarh and Jharkhand are different. The naxalites were there before those states were formed. It is wrong to say that naxalites entered those states only after their formation. Moreover, political and economic development is only one dimension. We also have to ensure that political opportunities are given to people. So the cases of Chattisgarh and Telangana are different. Unlike Chattisgarh, much social change has already taken place in Telangana.
Is this social change possible through separate Telangana?
Certainly. In fact all these agitations are a response to crony capitalism being followed by governments now. There will be social change in the whole of Andhra Pradesh. And I think it will come first in Andhra.
It will happen first in coastal Andhra? How?
Crony capitalism is more dominant in Andhra. When the domination of certain classes is ended, an alternative leadership will arise from the dalits. A separate Andhra movement will bring about this change just as the Telangana movement has expanded the democratic space here.
To the person on the street, the Telangana movement is synonymous with jobs. Will separate Telangana create jobs for the youth?
It’s a hope and I think it will be realized though it is difficult to explain immediately how it would be possible. Minor irrigation tanks will have to be restored. Existing canals should be used more effectively. We have to encourage agri-based industries. Tourist spots can be developed. Petty production like weaving and agri-allied industries need more focus. There is a need to reset the agenda. We have to look beyond the needs of crony capitalists to address the needs of the unemployed, petty producers and small farmers. If the outcome of the separate state movement only leads to crony capitalists coming back to power in a different guise, it will only lead to a devastating crisis. Fortunately, the present Telangana movement is led by the people themselves and civil society groups. It is they who are setting the agenda. And the TRS too has accepted it. I believe that the Telangana struggle is a very important one even from a national perspective. It shows that the people are looking for an alternative model of development.
There is an argument that students are being misled in the Telangana movement.
They are not. The are being correctly led. Andhra Pradesh is an example of the worst results of crony capitalism. Surprisingly, the solution to crony capitalism also will come from AP. The Telangana movement, the rights movement and Dalit movements are all responses to crony capitalism. If the present Telangana experiment fails, there will be a political revolution that will be far more ideological than the Naxalbari movement.
Karimnagar tops the state in rice production. If other districts were similarly developed, would there be a need for a separate state? Is the Telangana movement aimed at development or self-respect or self-rule?
Development of agriculture in Karimnagar has been highly capital-intensive. Only certain pockets of the district are developed. Without political power that sort of development means little. The separate Telangana demand has three separate dimensions: literature and culture, political power and economic development. Different Telangana separatist groups accent different dimensions. But the overall Telangana demand unites all these three points. We cannot view them separately. Political power and economic development are interlinked. People want power to utilise their resources as per their discretion. Assertion of their cultural identity is an articulation of the demand for political power.
Do you see an alliance of inter-regional elites to thwart the movement?
Elite formation has taken place among the BCs too to some extent. The Telangana movement says that AP cannot continue as it exists now. The Telangana upsurge questions the current models of economic development and continuance of the existing culture. The Telangana movement declares, ‘Telugu Talli kaadura, Telangana Talli’. There is no Telugu jati, Telangana people are saying. Though NTR tried to consolidate the Telugu jati slogan, he could not succeed. This crisis is best seen in the TDP. Chandrababu Naidu is not able to take a decision whether to support Samaikya Andhra or separate Telangana. Naidu cannot continue to have a grip on Andhra without a Samaikya Andhra. On the other hand he cannot have influence in Telangana by supporting Samaikya Andhra. So he cannot take any step. He is like a man caught in quicksand. Any move sucks him deeper into the quagmire. Naidu cannot afford to stand still because politics is dynamic. The Telangana leadership in the TDP too is in a crisis.
The Telangana people rejected the TDP in the recent byelections. The TDP chief also expresses his helplessness that he can neither obstruct nor bring Telangana given his nominal strength. Still people in Telangana are obstructing him in the region. Why?
People are asking why Naidu wants to visit the region. The TRS is glowing with the support given by people supporting Telangana. It is not the own strength of the TRS. Why are others unable to take advantage of this. The TDP started corrupt politics. Naidu had the notion that people can be won over with money. But it is not possible in Telangana. The Congress is waiting and watching the Telangana movement like a vulture to catch a bird. It will sail with those who win this battle. The Congress high command decided that continunance of united Andhra is not possible. It will consider those who gained in T as its friends. Historical vision is necessary here. There are no leaders who have historical vision in T-region.
Is it not undemocratic to obstruct leaders from touring the region?
The TRS is not obstructing any leader. Local leaders are voluntarily doing so. Naidu wants to tour the region for the sake of power. Those obstructing him are not after power. They are fighting for a cause. Obstruction of Naidu’s tours should be viewed in a larger perspective. It is not only a question of Naidu’s freedom. The aspiration of the people are involved in this. We cannot suppress the expression of the people in the name of Naisu’s freedom. People want Naidu not to visit their villages if he cannot support the Telangana movement. If Naidu wants to avoid this he should fulfil his responsibility. He should give a letter to the Srikrishna Committee. He should clarify, how far he is ready to fight against the Congress for Telangana. Naidu should give political clarity. People will question him unitl he gives clarity on Telangana. If he were not a politician and was only going to attend a bhajan programme or a service activity in a Gandhian way, none would obstruct him. He should clarify that where he stands.
Is there a possibility of a new leader emerging from among the students involved in the present movement.
It may happen.
What will be the form of the movement after December 31?
I think the movement will be intensified from November itself by observing a Betrayal Day on Nov. 1
The TRS chief has declared that all those born in Telangana become sons of the soils. How do you react to this?
Nativity cannot be decided merely on the basis of birth. Unequals cannot be treated as equals. There should be an unequal allocation of rights. There is a need for special protection for Telangana. One should go by Article 371-D of the Constitution in this respect.
What is the fate of settlers in separate Telangana?
I will not use the word settlers, but all those who have migrated to Telangana will be taken care of. Civil society groups engaged in the Telangana movement have some discipline and will ensure the safety of those who settled here. The 1969 movement was based on the ‘Andhra go back’ slogan. But this movement is not like that. We have no personal enimity.
Are there any differences among leaders in the Telangana movement?
Minor differences of opinion will always be there but they have to be sorted out from time to time. But the differences will not result in the Telangana people falling apart. KCR understands that there will be a tussle if there is no coordination between TRS and Telangana protagonists. The TDP cannot understand this spirit. That is why we allege that Congress and TDP have a nexus.
Some people allege that you are working as an agent of KCR. What is your reaction?
That is wrong. I am not an agent of anybody. We work together.
Is there any possibility of you working together with separate Andhra agitators?
It is the responsibility of civil society groups there to fight for the cause. There is no proposal to launch a joint front with them. There are separatists in Andhra too and their demands should be highlighted.
Recently, there were controversies over the Group-I examination and reservation for advocates. Is it necessary for the Telangana Joint Action Committee to support such incidents which led to violence? Why didn’t the TRS participate in these agitations?
During the course of movements like separate Telangana, one has to address local issues to bring everybody together. We supported the agitations as the issues were genuine. Coming to the TRS, political parties are focusing on sustaining the movement.
Are you interested in contesting elections?
I will work for Telangana and I am not interested in jumping into active politics. I will not contest in the elections.
Kodandaram is doing excellent job. he is sincere in his efforts. Not only he many intellectuals are in Telangana movement. When the cause is genuine you will have reasons to work. If you take samaikyandhra movement, no intellectuals or professors are actively participating.
By Sridhar
10/12/2010 8:54:00 AM
I have to disagree deshbhakt... a title is just that a title... I dont care so much if he's called a Professor or teacher or student or chaprasi. what matters is what he does. and I think the 1 simple and important thing he does is bring sanity to an otherwise chaotic world of media-dramatics involving parties. for a second think that its not Mr Kondaram and read the answers to the questions posed; I think they make lot of sense whether one is from TG or not and actually makes a good read for any Indian who want to understand the general mechanics of 'development' and the various perspectives to what development means and is.
By Sree
10/11/2010 6:34:00 PM
Kodandaram is supposed to be a teacher. Instead of teach, he is playing politics and destroying student's lives. Most probably Kodandram is a administrator without teaching experience. Else he would not be behaving like the side-kick of KCR.
By deshbhakt
10/11/2010 12:20:00 PM
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