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Tuesday, 22 April 2014

95 Division Tasks to be Finished by Apr 30

Published: 21st April 2014 09:31 AM
Last Updated: 21st April 2014 09:31 AM
Ten days ahead of the deadline fixed by the State government to complete State division work, Chief Secretary PK Mohanty on Sunday gave 95 tasks to all the departments. The Chief Secretary issued a detailed circular on Sunday and wanted the officials to complete the tasks ahead of the April 30 deadline.
“These tasks are common to all Departments and therefore, shall be implemented diligently. The Departments are requested to furnish weekly performance reports to the General Administration (SR) Department before 1 pm on Monday every week without fail. All the concerned are requested to complete all tasks in all aspects well ahead of the deadline of April 30,” the Chief Secretary said in the circular memo.
Most of the key tasks were already indicated to the departments and they were under the process of completing the work. Some key tasks given to the departments which should be in place from June 2, the Appointed Day, are as follows:
MAPS: Maps of the new States with Administrative units, indicating key institutions and existing activities of the departments.
Map of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, indicating the major programmes, institutions and projects proposed for the future.
VEHICLES: Updated register of government vehicles certified by Nodal officer/heads of departments/secretary and all related documents of registration, warranty, servicing etc, handed over to both governments ahead of June 2.
IT: Partitioning of databases and applications should be completed. Trial runs be completed and system is kept ready for operation by both the States.
BUDGET: Budget proposals for the States of AP and Telangana should be prepared based on the vote-on-account budget for 2014-15. Approval obtained from the Governor for the budget of both the states by Finance Department and it should be communicated to all departments. Budget proposals for the regular budget that would be introduced after the Appointed Day should be prepared for both the states taking into consideration outstanding commitments and ongoing  obligations.
Diligent review of every budget line conducted in the light of departmental reorganisation and appropriate proposals submitted to the Finance Department for deletion or amendment to the budget lines of regular budget proposals.
Proposals for the regular budget of both the States should be submitted to the Finance Department for transmission to the respective States ahead of June 2.

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