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Sunday, 11 May 2014

20,000 State-cadre Staff to be Moved to AP

Published: 11th May 2014 10:18 AM
Last Updated: 11th May 2014 10:18 AM

The state-cadre employees who will be physically moved to residuary state of AP will be around 20,000. After a series of meetings with departments concerned, the officials estimated that of the 56,000 state-cadre employees, those who will be moved to AP will be around 20,000.
The officials, who are currently, coordinating with various departments to get the exact number of sanctioned posts and available staff will complete their  work in this week. Later, they will send the cadre strength to the Centre, which   will then issue a notification on how many posts of various cadre officers would be allocated to Telangana state.
Later, a list of employees with names would be sent to the Centre. The Centre will first issue a brief notification stating that all district, zonal and multi-zonal staff will work from where there are.
Finally, another notification with names of state-cadre employees, indicating who is allotted to which state would be issued.  Meanwhile, Home secretary Anil Goswamy is coming to Hyderabad to discuss about the progress of the division work. He will hold a meeting with chief secretary PK Mohanty.

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